Grouping on Basis of Conduction of Heat

Concept Explanation

Grouping on Basis of Conduction of Heat

Conduction of Heat and electricity : 

Materials that conduct heat and electricity are called as conductors. Example of conductors are metals. Due to this reason the wires are made of copper which is metal and most of the cooking utensils are also made of metals  llke aluminium for proper conduction of heat.

Materials that do not conduct electricity and heat through them are called as insulators. Examples of insulators are  palstic, glass and wood. Due to this reason electric wires are coated with plastic coating to avoid electric shock.  

Why are cooking utensils are made up of metals like copper and aluminium? Why are their handes are made up of plastics ?

Sol : Cooking utensils are made up of copper and aluminium because they are good conductors of heat and food can be cooked easily in them. Their handles are made up of plastics because plastic is poor conductor of heat due to which the handles do not get heated during cooking food and we are able to hold the utensil with the help of handle.

Conduction of Heat and electricity: materials that allow heat or electricity to flowthrough them are called conductors of heat whereas those do not allow heat orelectricity to flow are called insulators.Conductors: materials that conduct electricity are called conductors. For ex- metals.Insulators: materials that do not conduct electricity are called insulators. For ex: wood,air, plastic.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Materials that conduct heat and electricity are known as ____________________.

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Materials that conduct heat and electricity are called as conductors.

(b)  Examples of insulators are  plastic, glass and wood.

(c) Materials that do not conduct electricity and heat through them are called as insulators.

Right Option : D
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Question : 3

Materials that do not conduct electricity and heat through them are known as ____________________.

Right Option : A
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